ACP Stream: how to handle personal finances

After the eventful summer ACP continues with organisation of streams on its Twitch channel.

This time we want to tackle an important issue for every chess player - how to handle their personal finances.

A lot of people in the world are not well-versed when it comes to personal finance and unfortunately chess players are not an exception. Therefore, we would like to give you an opportunity to learn about this important topic.

For this reason we invited Luca Barillaro, an independent financial advisor and portfolio manager, as our guest. Luca is also a chess player, rated over 2000. He will be happy to answer your questions and give advice on how best to deal with important money issues.

We invited another guest, IM Irina Bulmaga, who will ask questions that are relevant for chess players. Our host will be WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili.

Make sure you subscribe to our Twitch channel to be able to ask what interests you.

We hope you will find this stream educational and useful!
